Kali 21 - Only Love featuring Sonny Soweez
This is the story of Only Love.
A song can go so far in both a listener's and creators’ life
But even then a song is 4 mins, a little more or even less u can only cover so much.
That said i wrote #OnlyLove as a summary of a would be body of work given the topic was wide I could have written a full song from each verse stand point but that was not the goal so I decided to paint how Love is solely my, yours, our salvation. That is a stand point from person to a body of believers to then a nation that way I could cover what I purposed to communicate in short a time as a song allows.
I believe on this song inspiration came as revelation either through observation or meditation on knowledge of  my own  and of God that is God's word.
That inspired purpose for creating the song.
So realising and having questioned what is it that could redeem, empower or find me in life when i was or am struggling to be better, break free from life sacking  habits as some mentioned on the song, or when hurting from events of life and a series of various life's ups and downs, couldn’t be effort from solely or majorly self given that[self] is the genesis of the very things i was or am trying to break free from be it in success only love can save you from going off rails it anchors an keeps us in line so that u dont' lose your light amidst abundance as abundance less love can breed a bad pride easily. Most definately when u r lacking both in spirit and body love affirms us encourages and looks for us i am reminded there is better life beyond my fallen nature and meditating on love can restore hence save me.
Even in church we are welcomed by love then often forget to welcome others the same, sects of belief have us  looking like a lost pipo which we become less of love its these systems of belief that we at times treasure more than love for one another. Even as believers of Christ, we get divided often we cease to see ourselves as family which makes it hard to reach anyone else who hasnt heard of love as we often seem to miss the same love we proclaim to live by. I heard one man say "you dont have to win the urguement but rather be faithful to God throughout the arguement" thats for believers thou but the 2nd verse paints the need to love if u going to reach anyone.Â
As a nation u cant have people or a system of majority over minority go right in solving or moving a nation towards what its people need or desire less love in those driving its systems, some how am confused how there is always money to move personal agendas but nothing when the nation needs a little of the same finance, it leaves a question towards the servants do they lack love for who they serve or the nation itself but good news is love can redeem where logic fails i hope we actively pray for the people we should carefully consider placing into power positions and forget not ourselves because everyone can play a part where ever they are